Thursday, April 19, 2007

This is your Future, if you want.

Over the years, people have tried to picture what Heaven will be like. Scripture answers some important questions about the believer's future life.

First, who will be there? The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will be present. Revelation 5:11 says thousands upon thousands of angels will be there as well. All the Old Testament saints, all believers from this church age, and every person who comes to faith during the great tribulation are promised a Heavenly home.

Second, we may ask how we'll be physically different. We'll have glorified bodies that conform to Jesus' glory. Following the resurrection, He had a visible physical form. We, too, will have a physical body to dwell in a real place called Heaven. First Corinthians 15:42 tells us our bodies will be eternal and will bear a Heavenly image. While the Bible doesn't describe the glorification process, we know our bodies will transform perfectly to suit the Heavenly environment.

Finally, some believers wonder if they'll be able to recognize family and friends in Heaven. Our bodies may be different, but they'll still be identifiable. John chapter 20 tells us how Mary was initially confused but later recognized the resurrected Jesus. Because we'll be like Him, others will know us in our resurrected form. And we'll know them too.

Think about the promises of Revelation 7:9. Believers from every tribe, language, nation, and people group will be there. When we're in our glorified bodies, life in Heaven will exceed our wildest imaginations.


Matt Jensen said...


Is this spam?

blythe said...

dig it.

Jen Panunzio said...

I loved reading this. Even though I know it, I tend to forget it in my every day life so it is nice to be reminded of the great things to come!
(I'm Matt's sister by the way.)